Monday, May 25, 2020

The Clever and Devious Iago of Othello Essays - 609 Words

In Othello, Iago serves as a clever manipulator. He uses his skills on the stupid and naà ¯ve Roderigo to get revenge on Othello. Iago’s main reason for his hatred of Othello is because he is passed over for the lieutenant position given to Michael Cassio. Iago also seems to delight in the manipulation and destruction he is causes. One major way Iago uses his manipulation on Roderigo is by jealousy. At the start of the play, we hear a conversation between Roderigo and Iago. Roderigo is angry because he has been giving money to Iago to help him gain the love of Desdemona, but he learns of Desdemona’s marriage to Othello. Also in Act one Scene one Iago convinces Roderigo to spoil Othello’s marriage by stirring Desdemona’s family against†¦show more content†¦He says that Cassio will be her first choice because he has seen them holding hands. Roderigo argues that Cassio was just being polite, but Iago persuaded him of Cassio’s intentions. Iago then urges him to start a fight with Cassio. Iago encourages the fight because he wants revenge on Cassio for being promoted to the lieutenant position. Iago shows his masterful manipulation skills by having Roderigo being almost invisible in the scene where Roderigo starts the fight with Cassio, who is drunk and chasing Roderigo around th e stage threatening to beat him up. As he was chasing him, Cassio stabbed Montano, the Governor of Cyprus. No one seems to give it a second thought of who started the fight and what the fight is about. In Act four Scene two Roderigo returns. He is enraged that he is not with Desdemona yet and is ready to confess pursuit of her to Desdemona so that he can get his jewels back that Iago supposedly gave her. Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is taking Othello’s place but lies about where Othello is going. He says that Othello is going back to Mauritania, but actually he is going to Venice. He further says the only way Roderigo can prevent Desdemona from going to Africa is to kill Cassio. Iago says, â€Å"O no; he goes into Mauritania and takes away/ with him the fair Desdemona, unless his abode be/ lingered here by some accident; wherein none can be/ so determinate as theShow MoreRelatedOthello Character Analysis1378 Words   |  6 Pages William Shakespeare’s play â€Å" Othello† like most of his plays is about the premature death of a character who may or may not be considered a tragic hero. Othello, the Moor of Venice, follows him, his wife Desdemona, Cassio, and the main protagonist Iago through a series of unfortunate events that are supposed to be about jealousy between coveting a boss’s wife and a job promotion. The story turns to Iago when he turns into a commanding force that dishevels every character in the play. This is allRead MoreHow Does Shakespeare Use Language and Dramatic Devices to Present the Theme of Jealousy in Othello?1497 Words   |  6 Pagesof jealousy in Othello? ----- Othello weaves a tragic tale of love, jealousy and murder. 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