Thursday, August 27, 2020

Audio Lingual Method free essay sample

Thoroughly analyze the Direct Method and the Audio-Lingual Method. (1) Both are oral-based methodologies. (2) The Direct Method underscores jargon procurement through introduction to its utilization in circumstances; the Audio-Lingual Method drills understudies in the utilization of linguistic sentence designs. (3) Unlike the Direct Method, the Audio-Lingual Method has a solid hypothetical base in phonetics and brain research. 2-How has the conduct brain research impacted the Audio-Lingual Method? It was believed that the best approach to secure the sentence examples of the objective language was through conditioningâ€helping students to react effectively to upgrades through molding and support. (2) Learners could conquer the propensities for their local language and structure the new propensities required to be target language speakers. 3-Define a retrogressive develop drill (extension drill). Express its motivation and points of interest. (1) Definition: The instructor separates a line into a few sections. The understudies rehash a piece of the sentence, for the most part the last expression of the line. The creator likewise puts out her proposals for the utilization of the ALM in the second language study hall. 2. 1 HISTORY By the main portion of the twentieth century, the Direct Method had lost its notoriety in the U. S. In any case, it is accepted that the decay of the Direct Method realized the rise of the ALM. As Brown (2001) puts it: â€Å" by the center of the twentieth century, the Direct Method was restored and diverted into what was presumably the most noticeable of all language educating â€Å"revolutions† in the cutting edge time, the Audio-lingual Method. † The U. S. instructive establishments at the time despite everything accepted that a perusing approach like the Grammar Translation Method was more handy than an oral one. In this manner the 1930s and 1940s saw the Grammar Translation Method going solid in all schools over the U. S. Be that as it may, after World War II, the U. S. saw an earnest requirement for her to be orally capable in the language of her partners just as adversaries. This prompted an intense change in 4 the current perspective on language instructing from a minor perusing way to deal with one with a heavier accentuation on aural and oral aptitudes. Exceptional serious language programs were created by the U. S. armed force which came to be known as the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), or all the more basically, the Army Method. During the 1950s, the Army Method was renamed the Audiolingual Method. 3. 1 PRINCIPLES OF ALM A portion of the fundamental standards of language learning in the ALM are expressed by Alkhuli 2005 (as refered to by Abdel-Rahman Abu-Melhim in the International Forum of Teaching and Studies). One of these standards is that the subsequent language learning procedure ought to be like that of first language procurement. This follows the regular request of language realizing which is tuning in, talking, perusing lastly, composing. It is accepted that the student initially figures out how to talk what he has tuned in to, at that point read what he has spoken, and compose what he has perused. In this way, the ALM stresses on tuning in and talking abilities so as to encourage the advancement of perusing and composing aptitudes other than expanding open competency. Another guideline is that the subsequent language is best gained by propensity development. A propensity is made when an activity is rehashed and is along these lines delivered 5 because of specific improvements nearly without cognizant movement. This is accomplished by means of the dull example rehearses that are a vital part of the ALM. Interpretation of the objective language into the local language is viewed as destructive and will frustrate procurement of the subsequent language. Such interpretations are accepted to block the authority or control of the subsequent language. At the point when the objective language is utilized in all conditions in the study hall, students figure out how to make direct associations between the jargon and its semantics in the objective language itself, which is perfect for viable second language learning. Notwithstanding, these standards are just suppositions. Counter-contentions include: second language taking in is totally unique in relation to local language obtaining in a wide range of perspectives. What's more, the regular request of language discovering that the ALM weights on is unimportant in light of the fact that the four language abilities can be grown at the same time instead of consecutively. The learning of a subsequent language isn't really a procedure of propensity development where reactions are inspired by upgrades, yet in addition includes the psychological. At long last, interpretation into the local language has demonstrated a helpful procedure to be sure in learning a subsequent language, showed in strategies, for example, the Grammar Translation Method. 4. 1 MAIN FEATURES As previously mentioned, the ALM follows the characteristic request of language learning. The utilization of redundant drills is supported in molding another â€Å"habit† for learning the second 6 language. Boosts reactions are normal and right ones are promptly fortified as molding, simultaneous with the perspectives on social brain science. The local language additionally assumes a negligible job in the ALM. Just the objective language is utilized inside the study hall by both instructor and students. New material in the objective language is likewise presented in discourse structure, nearest to a characteristic situational setting for students to increase informative fitness and abilities. Displaying is finished by the instructor whereby a specific structure of sentence is spoken and students rehash the sentence, emulating its sound examples and inflection, and focusing on indistinguishable quality. Slips in learners’ way to express words in the sentence are quickly adjusted by the instructor to maintain a strategic distance from development of â€Å"bad habits†. Language structure rules are not instructed expressly however are relied upon to be prompted by the students through the different models and examples that are presented to them during the exercise. Contrastive examinations are likewise done between the local language and the objective language so as to cause learner’s to notice contrasts in example, structure and sound arrangement of the two dialects. 5. 1 TECHNIQUES There are numerous strategies utilized in the study hall that advocate the basic standards (or suppositions) of the ALM, and are likewise founded on the previously mentioned two primary ways of thinking for the said strategy. 7 One of the principle methods utilized is of presenting new learning material as a discourse. A model discussion is examined, separated and retained through mimicry. Exchanges are viewed as a characteristic conversational ontext that will help students in applying learned structures and jargon. Numerous drills are utilized in the ALM. The regressive develop drill (extension drill) separates a troublesome sentence into littler parts. Generally the last expression of the sentence is rehashed by the students and afterward parts are includ ed, or extended, until students can rehash the total sentence moving forward without any more difficulty. Single-opening replacement drills require the students to substitute in prompts given by the educator into a specific space in the sentence. Numerous opening replacement penetrates then again, require a more significant level of skill from the students. Students must perceive specific spaces inside the sentence to substitute the prompts given by the instructor, every so often changing subject-action word understandings also. Different drills incorporate the redundancy drill, chain drill, change drill and question-and-answer drill. (Allude to Appendix A) 6. 1 ADVANTAGES When contrasted with an extraordinary technique like the Grammar Translation Method, where perusing and composing are so worried on that talking and listening abilities are ignored, ALM builds up the aural/oral aptitudes of students. Students through the ALM can partake in situational settings skillfully. 8 Also, students are progressively mindful of the phonetic parts of the language. Through displaying and mimicry, students give more consideration to legitimate elocution and pitch. Blunders in articulation are quickly managed, while right reactions are decidedly fortified. Students are touchy to the inflection and know about their various elements of addressing, mentioning, arguing and so on. Through replacement drills, students likewise figure out how to perceive the fringes between the expressions that make up the sentence. They are additionally presented to a wide range of sentences that have comparative structures through redundancy bores too. Transformational drills assist students with acquainting with question labels and their relating answers, agreed and negative sentences and even dynamic and aloof ones. Such a wide assortment of sentence and question structures serve to improve learners’ open capacity. 7. 1 DISADVANTAGES Although the drills that are the ALM’s recognizing highlight might be viewed as one of its qualities, they are additionally its shortcoming. Such bores rule out inventiveness, making students lose intrigue or feel exhausted in the study hall. At the point when students lose their inspiration, it contrarily influences their advancement in second language learning. New jargon learned is likewise constrained in setting. Rather, the sound framework and syntactic examples are underlined on additional. Students are shown set expressions in slop redundancy in light of specific inquiries, where the structure and structure are 9 featured. Therefore, students are just penetrated to react accurately with answers that are anticipated from them without thinking about its significance. For instance, the set expression, â€Å"Fine, thank you,† is educated as a reaction to the inquiry â€Å"How right? † which students utilize in any event, when they feel in any case. This wonder is equivalent to robots that have no perception and just give specific reactions to specific improvements! There is once in a while any variety in learners’ reactions other than the ones that have been educated. In this way, connection and exchange is exceptionally schematic and unnatural. To put it plainly, open compe

Saturday, August 22, 2020

WordPress Glossary 10 Commonly Used WordPress Terms Explained

At the point when you initially begin with WordPress, its simple to feel overpowered by the volume and assortment of terms the WordPress people group employments. To help, we made this WordPress glossary of the most significant terms and differentiations so you can rapidly get up to speed.By the finish of this post, youll realize the contrast between front-end and back-end, how gadgets and gadget territories interface, what a topic system is, and a ton more! In one short sentence is an open-source programming offering and is a serviceâ built on the open-source software.With, you have to discover reasonable facilitating, download the WordPress programming, and introduce it on your server. It gives you full adaptability to deal with your site, pick topics, modules, and augmentations, and you absolutely own your information. likewise places you in all out authority over your site and permits you toâ monetize it f reely.In differentiate, with you basically pursue a facilitated WordPress administration that deals with site the board totally. It limits your selection of subjects and modules (except if you pay for the most costly plan)â and you don't have full command over your information, yet it is more fledgling friendly.WordPress.comWordPress.orgServiceOpen-source softwareHosted and managedSelf hostedLimited selection of topics and pluginsFull opportunity to pick topics and pluginsLimited power over your dataFull authority over your dataIf you ever need to switch, its not very hard to move your site from to to top2. Blog and websiteThe contrast between a site and a blog lies essentially in the manner information is presented.A site is an assortment of pages where the substance once in a while changes. Then again, a blog is an assortment of posts refreshed normally with new substance. While a site is various leveled in nature, blog entries show up backward sequential order.Usually, a blog is conversational and it supports two-route correspondence with your perusers. Not so with a site, which is frequently value-based empowering selling, structure entries and the like.BlogWebsiteCollection of postsCollection of pagesConversationalTransactionalChronologicalHierarchicalTimely contentTimeless contentIts simple to make a blog with WordPress. Truth be told, you can likewise add a blog highlight to any WordPress website.*Blogs are in fact still sites were simply attempting to draw a qualification between how a great many people utilize the two terms.Go to top3. Classifications and tagsCategories and labels assist you with adding extra association and arrangement to your WordPress content and are therefore a significant piece of this WordPress glossary:Tags portray a post in a particular way and can frequently be watchwords identifying with the post content in some way.Categories are more extensive in nature than labels and help to aggregate comparative posts and points together.Usually, you need to utilize a solitary classification for each post, yet you can utilize numerous tags.For model, in the event that you compose a games blog:Basketball would make a goodâ category for all ball related posts.Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls would be two goodâ tags for a post explicitly about Michael Jordan.CategoriesTagsMandatoryOptionalHierarchicalFlatBroad basedMore specificIf you don't sort a post it will appear as uncategorized on your blog (however you can transform it in choices). Be that as it may, its not required to label all posts. Truth be told, we dont use labels here at Themeisle just categories.Go to top4. Front-end and back-endIn a nutshell, the front-end is that piece of the site that is noticeable to the open when they visit your site. The back-end is the place you include new substance, design choices, and choose how your front-end will look and feel.All the pages that control your site’s alte rnatives and settings are by and large called Administration Screens and make up the back-end. Just approved clients can get to the back-end. They can make, erase or adjust content and change format and plan. Then again, any easygoing site guest can see the front-end.Front-endBack-endMostly inactive viewingActive managementAnyone can accessOnly approved clients have accessControlled by back-endControls the front-endWhat a guest seesWhat site administrators seeGo to top5. Modules and extensionsTheres actually no reasonable line isolating modules and expansions. You could state a module is a bit of programming that broadens usefulness or adds explicit highlights to WordPress. Expansions, then again, add highlights or capacities to explicit modules or themes.For model, a module or subject creator may permit different designers to add augmentations to the base module or topic, or that engineer may offer their own extensions.PluginsExtensionsGenerally broadens WordPress functionsUsually expands topic and module functionsEnables WordPress center to remain lightEnables topics and modules to remain lightOffers extra highlights to WordPress usersOffers extra highlights to explicit topic and module usersWhen designers make a module extensible, it permits them to keep basic capacities and extra capacities independent. It likewise improves the extension for future turn of events. Clients also have an alternative to buy only the highlights they need in a module, with additional highlights packaged into extensions.Plugins empower the WordPress center to stay lean and light. Expansions do likewise for modules (and themes).Go to top6. Pages and postsPages and posts are next on our WordPress glossary. In spite of the fact that theyre content sorts that seem comparative, theyre utilized for various purposes.Posts make up the center of your blog and are utilized for refreshes or drifting data. Each post has a distribute date. On your blog, they show up in a converse sequential r equest, with your most recent post at the top. Posts energize discussion with worked in remark choices and you can tag, sort, and document posts on your WordPress blog.PostPageTimely contentTimeless contentArranged in turn around sequential orderHierarchicalCan be remembered for feedsNot remembered for feedsMostly utilized by scholars and editorsMostly utilized by adminsUsually classified and taggedGenerally not arranged or taggedOn the other hand, pages are what make up a site and contain data that is consistent over some undefined time frame for example, aâ contact page or items page. They dont have an open distribute date and dont show up in a course of events like blog entries. They are progressive and you can sort out them in any request you need, however you can't order or tag them.Go to top7. Word processor and visual editorWordPress offers both of you various approaches to make and alter posts and pages visual and content. In the word processor, you can compose and alter HT ML. Utilizing quicktag catches, you can likewise enclose a bit of chosen message by normally utilized tags.On the other hand, you can't include or adjust HTML in the visual proofreader. Nonetheless, it has a decent arrangement of organizing choices that assist you with getting a reasonable thought of how your post will show up in the program (sort of like Microsoft Word). Its simple to switch between the two editors.Text EditorVisual EditorCan include or change HTMLCannot work with HTMLView content in content and HTML group WYSIWYGRemoves all designing from stuck contentDoes not evacuate formattingNeed to get familiarMore client friendlyGo to top8. Gadget and gadget areasWidgets are little, independent snippets of data that add substance and highlights to a site. These gadgets can just show up in explicit predefined gadget zones on the site, for example, sidebar or footer. You can’t utilize a gadget outside of a gadget area.WidgetsWidget AreasSelf contained bit of informati on that shows on websiteA pre-characterized territory in site design to contain widgetCan exist just inside gadget areaProvides space for show of widgetBy default, WordPress accompanies a few gadgets (search, classes) just as a gadget region for your subjects sidebar. Modules and subjects can give extra gadgets or make gadget territories on a website.Go to top9. Topic systems and buildersBoth subject structures and developers assist you with building a custom site. What makes them distinctive is the client bunches they target.A structure is proposed for use by designers. It spares them the difficulty of composing subjects without any preparation by offering some instant code as a beginning point. Youll need coding abilities to work with frameworksFrameworkPage BuilderIntended for developersIntended for normal WordPress usersRequires coding skillsWorks by minor simplified and choosing optionsIn differentiate, a manufacturer is for use by customary WordPress clients like you and me. I t encourages you make, alter, and modify your site format working off an easy to use interface, utilizing simplified. No coding abilities are vital, and you canâ pick and pick components and control the manner in which every component shows up and functions.Go to top10. Subjects and templatesThis WordPress glossary would not be finished without reference to topics and formats. A WordPress subject is a finished plan for a site. A format is a solitary design that is accessible inside a subject. A subject may contain various formats for you to look over, and can likewise permit you to manufacture your own custom template.Some topics have exceptional layouts, for example, full-width layouts for uncommon structure features.ThemeTemplateProvides plan for the whole websiteProvides structure for a solitary pageTheme can contain numerous templatesReverse isn't trueWhile a layout controls the presence of a solitary page, a topic applies to all the pages on a site. In any case, on the off cha nce that you have the coding abilities, you can make your own custom templates.Go to topConfused by some other WordPress terms?That gathers together our WordPress glossary. Yet, that doesnt mean youre done learning!Have another WordPress expression that befuddles you? Leave a remark and well attempt to help enlighten things! We may even add it to the WordPress glossary. Gain proficiency with the significance of 10 regular #WordPress terms in this fledgling amicable glossary

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tips on How to Transition From a Different Topics in an Essay to the Main Body

Tips on How to Transition From a Different Topics in an Essay to the Main BodyStudents frequently ask how do you transition from different topics in an essay to the topic they are attempting to write? This is an often asked question since writing essays does not have the option of allowing the student to rewrite a single paragraph. In addition, this is the stage when students want to put forward their best work, and it is during this time that they look for ways to make their content more interesting, more interesting and more engaging.In this article, we will look at some tips on how to transition from the different topics in an essay to the actual main body of the essay. You will find several tips that you can try out and see if they work well with your style of writing.The first tip on how to transition from the different topics in an essay to the main body of the essay concerns the direction of the story. The best way to summarize the general concept of the essay is to give it a personal perspective and see what you can add in particular to make it more personal. However, the best approach is to first give the entire essay, especially the argument and the conclusions, a certain personality. Write down all the information, arguments and points that you have on the topic, and then study the overall structure of the essay.Based on the information given, determine various angles in which the essay will progress. When you are writing, always study the structure of the essay before starting the actual writing. If you are unsure of how to write a specific sentence, always refer to the structure of the article. Reading the structure of the article will help you decide how to transition from the different topics in an essay to the main body of the essay.The next tip on how to transition from the different topics in an essay to the main body of the essay deals with changing the style of the sentence. It is important to always change the style of the sentence while wr iting the essay. This can be a difficult skill for students to learn, but they can get better results if they learn how to use the right techniques to change the style of the sentence. For example, if the essay talks about a number of things and gives a reason for each of them, start a new paragraph after giving the reason for the things that were mentioned. This will help you avoid ending up with three paragraphs instead of one.When you are writing the essay, it is important to introduce the main idea, the theme or the purpose of the essay before transitioning to the actual piece. This will help the reader feel more engaged in the text. After all, it is a means of communication, and the reader wants to know why he is reading the piece.The last tip on how to transition from the different topics in an essay to the main body of the essay concerns punctuation. It is very important to use the right punctuation when writing the essay. Even though the students might not understand what th e student is trying to say, it is still very important that they know what the writer is trying to convey.There are many ways to transition from different topics in an essay to the main body of the essay. Some students may need to learn how to properly transition between topics in an essay to the main body of the essay, and others may simply need to learn how to deal with the proper format of the essay to enable them to transition smoothly.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Clever and Devious Iago of Othello Essays - 609 Words

In Othello, Iago serves as a clever manipulator. He uses his skills on the stupid and naà ¯ve Roderigo to get revenge on Othello. Iago’s main reason for his hatred of Othello is because he is passed over for the lieutenant position given to Michael Cassio. Iago also seems to delight in the manipulation and destruction he is causes. One major way Iago uses his manipulation on Roderigo is by jealousy. At the start of the play, we hear a conversation between Roderigo and Iago. Roderigo is angry because he has been giving money to Iago to help him gain the love of Desdemona, but he learns of Desdemona’s marriage to Othello. Also in Act one Scene one Iago convinces Roderigo to spoil Othello’s marriage by stirring Desdemona’s family against†¦show more content†¦He says that Cassio will be her first choice because he has seen them holding hands. Roderigo argues that Cassio was just being polite, but Iago persuaded him of Cassio’s intentions. Iago then urges him to start a fight with Cassio. Iago encourages the fight because he wants revenge on Cassio for being promoted to the lieutenant position. Iago shows his masterful manipulation skills by having Roderigo being almost invisible in the scene where Roderigo starts the fight with Cassio, who is drunk and chasing Roderigo around th e stage threatening to beat him up. As he was chasing him, Cassio stabbed Montano, the Governor of Cyprus. No one seems to give it a second thought of who started the fight and what the fight is about. In Act four Scene two Roderigo returns. He is enraged that he is not with Desdemona yet and is ready to confess pursuit of her to Desdemona so that he can get his jewels back that Iago supposedly gave her. Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is taking Othello’s place but lies about where Othello is going. He says that Othello is going back to Mauritania, but actually he is going to Venice. He further says the only way Roderigo can prevent Desdemona from going to Africa is to kill Cassio. Iago says, â€Å"O no; he goes into Mauritania and takes away/ with him the fair Desdemona, unless his abode be/ lingered here by some accident; wherein none can be/ so determinate as theShow MoreRelatedOthello Character Analysis1378 Words   |  6 Pages William Shakespeare’s play â€Å" Othello† like most of his plays is about the premature death of a character who may or may not be considered a tragic hero. Othello, the Moor of Venice, follows him, his wife Desdemona, Cassio, and the main protagonist Iago through a series of unfortunate events that are supposed to be about jealousy between coveting a boss’s wife and a job promotion. The story turns to Iago when he turns into a commanding force that dishevels every character in the play. This is allRead MoreHow Does Shakespeare Use Language and Dramatic Devices to Present the Theme of Jealousy in Othello?1497 Words   |  6 Pagesof jealousy in Othello? ----- Othello weaves a tragic tale of love, jealousy and murder. 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Many politicians seem to fit into this category, manipulating people for manipulation sake. However, to me the most interesting psychopath of all, is in the play Othello. In this play, Iago is Othello’sRead MoreIago and the Literary Tradition of a Villain in William Shakespeares Othello1896 Words   |  8 PagesIago and the Literary Tradition of a Villain in William Shakespeares Othello In this essay, I am going to explain how Iago conforms to the literary tradition of a villain. Firstly, to answer this question, we must understand what exactly is meant by the term villain. The Collins Plain English Dictionary states that a villain is someone who deliberately sets out to harm other people. It is clear that Iago is clearly someone who has intentions of destroying

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Death Of Robespierre, Leader Of The Jacobins Essay

Marat was sitting in his bathtub, he received a visitor by the name of Charlotte Corday, who had been refused admittance earlier in the day. She claimed to have vital information on escaped Girondins and proceeded to list off the names of the missing Girondins. After he had finished writing out the list, Corday claimed that he told her, It will not be long before they are guillotined, a statement she later changed at her trial to, I will shortly have them all guillotined in Paris. With that statement, Corday retrieved a knife she had brought and plunged it into his chest. Marat cried out in agony saying Aidez-moi, ma chà ¨re amie! (Help me, my dear friend!) and died. After Marat s death, Maximilien Robespierre, leader of The Jacobins, was appointed as the head of The Committee of Public Safety on July 27, 1793. Although Robespierre was a bourgeoisie, he identified with the plight of the sans-culottes and would become their voice as the revolution progressed. It was because of th is representation that he would become a prominent figure at the most radical point in the revolution. He defended the principle that the rights of man should extend to all men – including the poor, and the slaves in the colonies. Beginning in the spring of 1792 and forward, France was in an upheaval. The country was involved in foreign wars, civil war and revolt. While revolutionaries were planning a new government without the king, counter-revolutionaries were plotting theShow MoreRelatedBiography of Maximilien de Robespierre Essay660 Words   |  3 PagesMaximilien de Robespierre Maximilien de Robespierre was born March 6, 1758 in Arras, France. de Robespierre became one of the most influential French figures of his time. He was a lawyer of the bourgeois class but represented the urban workers of his time and even became a spokesperson for them. After becoming a lawyer in 1781 he was elected to the Estates General in 1789 by Artois and represented the poorest estate, the third estate. Maximilien studied philosophy and was an admirer of the RomanRead MoreCauses of the Reign of Terror1367 Words   |  6 Pagesviolence in which occurred from 1793- 1794 after the strong onset of the French Revolution. It was a time of fierceness and anger, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people living in France at that period of time. The terror followed the trial and execution of King Louis XVI in 1793 and was incited by the conflict between the Girondins and Jacobins. Soon after, King Louis’ wife, Marie Antoinette, was executed in the guillotine- the new form of constitutionalist justice. Many of the people whoRead More The Radical Period of The French Revolution Essay1094 Words   |  5 Pagesdemands of the masses (albeit without much choice). However, due to the fanatical aspirations of men such as Danton, Marat and Robespierre,it would be only a matter of months before the moderate stage of social and political reform was transformed into a radical phase of barbaric and violent force. In their quest for freedom, equality and fraternity, the leaders of the Jacobins inadvertently turned the revolution into an oligarchic dictatorship that threatened to destroy all that was achieved inRead MoreThe Downfall Of The French Social Structure And Civilisation1636 Words   |  7 Pagesfar from finding a solution; for the French population of 1789 this was enough to spark a revolution. Justified by the ideals of equality and freedom for all an uprising like never seen in Europe before engulfed France; lead predominantly by the Jacobin party, who through the enforcement of the Terror policy were able to justify the execution of an estimated 40,000 people including the Royal family, for the sake of protecting the revolution and liberty for France. However, the plausibility of theRead MoreRobespierre and the Reign of Terror1544 Words   |  7 Pagesof the Reign of Terror.[Footnote] Throughout the French revolution, specifically the eleven month, 1793-1794 Reign of Terror, revolutionary leaders, such as Maximilien Robespierre believed in enforcing fear to resolve the instability of France. â€Å"Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitabl e justice; it flows, then, from virtue†-Maximilien Robespierre.[Footnote] This period in history signified great atrocities of massacres, and a time where fear was evoked within every French civilian. Read MoreThree Important Events During The French Revolution1201 Words   |  5 Pagesfuture attacks on Louis and also caused the monarchy to diminish completely. If this event did not happen, the hatred towards Louis XVI would not be as strong and his death may not have occurred. He may have just been banished and that been the end of it. His decision to flee turned his people against him and ultimately caused his death. In September 1791, the National Assembly created a limited monarchy. They also created a new legislative branch, called Legislative Assembly. The duty of LegislativeRead MoreTerror Dominates Our Perceptions Of The French Revolution1132 Words   |  5 PagesTerror dominates our perceptions of the french Revolution. Terror was a brief but deadly period where R obespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Tribunals, condemned thousands of people to die on the guillotine. The Reign of Terror was not driven by one man, one body,or one policy; It was shape by different forces and factors. The Reign of Terror was certainly the most violent period of the French Revolution. Between the years of 1793 and 1794 more than 50,000 people wereRead More Maximillien Robespierre Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesMaximillien Robespierre   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maximillien Robespierre is commonly viewed as the symbol of the Reign of Terror, the short period in which thousands of people were executed because they were thought to be traitors. However, Maximillien was actually an idealistic reformer with an image of peace and equality driving him on, who is unfairly credited with the Terror, and assumed to be a power-hungry tyrant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maximillien was able to attend a prominent educational institution. He became an intelligentRead MoreThe French Revolution : The Reign Of Terror And The Thermidorian Reaction1744 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Jacobin Club’s leader Maximilien Robespierre and Louis Antoine de Saint-Just. Members of the Jacobin Club would interrupt meetings that the National Convention would hold and accuse the Girondin members of participating with members of higher societies. Another leader of the Jacobins, Maximilien Robespierre, attempted to banish the members of the Girodins so that the Jacobins could rule. That attempt resulted in the removal of the Jacobin clubs and called for the remaining Girondin leaders toRead MoreRobespierre And The Revolution By Oscar E. Segovia1568 Words   |  7 Pages Robespierre and the Revolution Oscar E. Segovia History of Modern France Dr. Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley April 11, 2015â€Æ' Maximilien Robespierre also known as â€Å"the Incorruptible†, is regarded as one of the most notorious figures of the French Revolution. He became involved in the Revolution in 1789, after he was elected into the Third Estate in the Estates General. He strongly advocated against tyranny but that would all change after he gained leadership of the Committee of Public

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Islam` Essay - 1261 Words

The Islam faith was a very predominant one in the world’s past history. When it first started to rise along with the teachings of Mohammed, it was very popular. Their military and cultural achievements were remarkable. When the Arabs first started conquering land, they had affected the language and cultures of those lands. Mohammed was a very spiritual man, who helped Islam rise and conquer. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mohammed was born in 569 B.C.E. Mohammed had lost both of his parents by the age of 6, leaving him in the care of his grandmother and uncle. At 12 years old, his uncle took him on a caravan to Syria, where he picked up certain points from the Jewish and Christian religions. He married a wealthy woman at age 25, and they†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mohammed converted many people, starting with family and close friends. These first converts got the reputation of having the title of ‘companion of the Prophet’. Mohammed made his hegira to Medina in 622 B.C.E. and this is the year that the Moslem calendar started. Mohammed had expected the Medina Jews to welcome him with open arms, when in fact, they mocked him and forced Mohammed to go against them. Mohammed then in turn drove them out of their town and split the land up among his people. After a while, the Arabs accepted this new religion and a theocratic state was organiz ed. From Medina, Mohammed arranged raids on the Mecca caravans, which were accepted and were one of the popular economic activities among Arabs. By 630, the Moslems were powerful enough to confine Mecca, and shortly thereafter Mohammed made the black stone the chief shrine of his religion. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When Mohammed died in 632, the Arab tribes paid tribute to him. Perhaps the biggest tribute was that the Islam faith continued with great force. When Mohammed went to the Arab nations, they were falling apart, but he fixed them and brought them back together by introducing this faith. Within a century, Mohammed’s followers were always victorious. They built a strong empire across Eurasia and stood together as a strong community, as one. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During the rise of Islam, Arab nations were very extensive.Show MoreRelatedThe Islam Of Islam And Islam1398 Words   |  6 Pagesreligion of Islam today, there is a general that women are considered to be oppressed and deprived from becoming successful and powerful women. There is a claim within the Muslim community that Islam helped to elevate the status of woman with the creation of the religion in 610 A.D. The Muslim woman in Islam, specifically the married Muslim woman is not protected in Islam through the Quran. They are not considered to be of equal status of their male counterparts.. Many people in Islam believeRead MoreIslam : Islam And Islam869 Words   |  4 PagesIslam is a religion that developed in Arabia in the 7th century C.E. Islam was founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Islam belief centers on the premise that Allah is the one and true God with no partner or equal. Islam is divided into several branches each with its o wn interpretations. Founder Followers: Muhammad is considered the founder of the Islam faith. He was born around 571 CE in Mecca, in what is today Saudi Arabia. Much of what we know about him comes from his sermons andRead MoreThe Arrival Of Islam And Islam952 Words   |  4 PagesThe arrival of Islam brought many changes to Arabian life and society as it then existed. One of these changes was among the treatment of women and their place in society. Before the coming of Islam in the 7th century, women were thought to be inferior servants to men. The arrival of Islam throughout Arabia opened many opportunities for women that allowed them more rights and more influence on the basis of equality. The arrival of Islam is what was crucial for women to be seen as human beings. WomenRead MoreChristianity And Islam : Islam1317 Words   |  6 PagesChristianity and Islam in Premodern Africa Christianity and Islam date back to a time long before the modern era and both have sizable similarities between the two religions. Many of these similarities can be simplified into three subjects; both have books comprised of holy texts written about events taking place during their prophet’s life, both are believed to have started with God appointed leaders, and both consist of different divisions within their religion. Christianity starting with theRead MoreThe Birth Of Islam And Islam1129 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: The birth of Islam published liberal and humanistic origin of Islam in east Bengal. But later this Islam turn into political Islam due to three reasons the emergence of religious based Pakistan state, failure of punished the war criminals and the declaration of Islam as the state religion in replaced of secularism (8th amendment 1988). The failure of the state to provide basic need to the people, increasing violence in Economy and political sector gro wing discrimination in society,Read MoreThe History Of Islam And Islam1247 Words   |  5 PagesThe History of Islam Islam is a religion that was founded in 622 C.E. Its origin is traced to the Arabian Peninsula, and currently has an estimated 1.5 billion followers’ worldwide. The sacred texts that are associated with Islam is the Qur’an and Allah is the Deity they pay homage to. Muslims believe that there is only one true God and several time per day, they stop everything to participate in prayer rituals. The region, in which Islam was founded, was a melting pot of religious beliefs. ThereRead MoreThe Religion Of Islam And Islam1544 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"America and Islam are not exclusive and need not to be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings† (Barack Obama). For many decades, in most cultures, religious practice has been a controversial issue, because each religion competes demonstrating that their practices are the true path to God. Religious tolerance is very importa nt because followers should be free to choose their own religion. Some religionsRead MoreThe Meaning Of Islam And Islam1047 Words   |  5 PagesThe meaning of Islam is submission to one God. The central point or belief in Islam is to believe in the existence of only one God or Allah. The religion revolves around this one belief known as tawhid. This idea occurs in other religions such as Judaism and Christianity. All of these authentic religions speak of the same God as Islam is the reassertion of the revelation of God to Abraham, Noah and Christ. Islam considers these great figures as prophets and they are included in the Quran, the holyRead MoreIslam : The Rise Of Islam1335 Words   |  6 PagesSimilar to the religion of Christianity, Islam is difficult to generalize. When one brings up the word in conversation, they could be speaking of the religion and its systematic belief system or they could simply be talking about the approximately one and a half billion people who have f lourished and who currently live under the influence of said religion. Extending from Indonesia to Morocco and from Kazakhstan to Senegal, the ideals and mission of Islam were created in the seventh century underRead MoreChristianity And Islam : Islam937 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM.† Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in the world, with over 2 billion Christian, and 1.5 billion Muslim followers. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ approximately 2000 years ago in Palestine. Bible is collection of 66 books containing a message from God. The Muslim name for God is Allah. Islam is based on revelations received by the prophet Mohammad and originated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Quran, is the Islamic sacred text. Both are monotheistic

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chronic Heart Failure Case Study Review Concern Patient Giovanni

Question: Discuss about the Chronic Heart Failure. Answer: Introduction The case study review concerns patient Giovanni aged 72 years diagnosed with chronic heart failure. The patient was admitted at the emergency section with symptoms, of shortness of breath, sensation and suffocation. He has experienced breathlessness in the recent days and has developed oedema in the feet. Further assessment of the patient reveals that he has been smoking and unable to change his diet with no success. His vital signs indicate that his temperature is below the normal range , it was indicating 36.9oc, his heart beat rate is 115/minutes, the ECG are normal and his blood pressure is 118/60. His respiratory rate is 26 /minutes. The parent upon physical assessments has developed auscultation and the cardiothoracic ratio is also enlarged, this case presentation is a classical acute heart failure. Thenursing problem under this review will be to decrease the cardiac output under which the following two interventions will be initiated; monitoring and assessing abnormal heart an d lung sounds and assessing the patients skin temperature and peripheral pulses and the secondnursing issue is to manage oedema of the foot with key interventions being management of anxiety and depression management and management of fluid intake. Cardiac output The patient has a history of chronic heart failure and has been brought at the emergency centre. His prior history of medication is that he is smoker. Assesment of patient vital information reveals elevated blood pressure coupled with increased heart beat rate and respiration rates at 26 respirations per minute, which the recommended are below 20. His blood pressure is relatively elevated at the systolic measurements being 118 while diastolic readings are 60. It is essential in that it determines the effectiveness of the heart to supply blood to the rest of the body effectively. Elevated cardiac activity have shown to increase the incidence of stroke, it makes the heart to pump more blood to fill the left ventricle before being pump out. It is evident in the case study in that there increased respiration rate due to the action of the heart beating faster than normal. Abnormal heart and lung sounds The rationale behind this intervention is that it allows for the detection of heart failure on the left side of the heart which often occur at episodes of chronic heart failure due elevated accumulation of blood due to poor excretion process of the kidney. This intervention will be administered independently with the appropriate tools for measuring the vitals such as respiration rate and sounds of the heart. The theory behind this intervention is that it is defined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart, thus it is the product of the heart rate, number of beats per second with stroke volume of the heart. Abnormal heart and lung sounds refer to assessments of lung pathology and the heart in measuring the auscultation, which is an important clinical tool in assessing heart failure conditions, (Chen et al., 2015). Chest auscultation is performed using a stethoscope placed on the chest, placing it on the chest of the patient while heart sounds are assessed using stethoscope being pla ced on the diaphragm, sound recognition is heard when high pitch sounds are heard. Normal heart rate should be between 60-100 beats per minute in regular rhythm flow, (Gallie et al., 2015). These interventions are suitable in determining the heart beat flow and function ability. The vital signs displayed by the patient thus are relevant in assessing the abnormal heart sounds and chest for evidence of cardiac output fluids. The advantage of this intervention is that onsets of gallop rhythm of the lungs if present can be an early warning of heart failure in the acute phase. Any presence of pulmonary oedema can signify presence of inspiration and occurrence of dyspnoea to the patient. The risk assessments are important in assessing the disease stage and progress. In most of the scenarios fluttering feelings in the chest are dangerous and hence the need for immediate treatment, hence there is need of identification of irregular heartbeats and the natural ways of managing the arrhythmias is. Irregular heartbeats are normally harmless but reoccurrence for long duration of episodes leads to development of symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, fainting, and shortness of breath as typical in this case study, chest pain and cardiac arrest occurrence, (Liu et al., 2016). Hence assessment of the functioning of the heart and chest is a remedy for various associated complications which must be minimised at any medica l costs, to avoid damage especially for older patients like Giovanne. Irregular beating of the heart can refer to faster rate of the heart or slower rates with or without presence of irregular rhythm. It often occurs as fluttering. the irregular heart beats are the cause of arrhythmia. The most significant type of these is the a trial fibrillation which happens due to the regular heart beat of the upper chambers is irregular and it limits blood flow. Premature heart beats have the main cause of the collapse and deaths in many incidences of heart failure, according to American Heart Association, (AHA, 2017). An associative risk on abnormal sounds and heart beats is the use of tobacco. Research has shown it is the single top most modifiable factor for heart related diseases an delay a significant role on irregular occurrence of heart beats, (D'alessandro et al., 2012). Heart and chest intervention measures are thus necessary, for managing heart failure, especially in presence of modif iable factor like smoking as evident form the case study patient. Assessing the patients skin temperature and peripheral pulses Assessing the patients skin temperature and peripheral pulses involves the inquest into the peripheral vascular path for isolation of clinical characteristics of pulse for ascertaining arterial bruits and inflammations cause associated with secondary vein thrombosis. This intervention is independent intervention which involves health care practitioner to administer. Elevated pulse rate can be an indicative of complication associated with the heart. Premature beats are evident observation of irregular pulse rates. Absence of pulse rate in the body parts can be an indicative measure of compromised blood flow to the heart due to the congestive heart failure. Assessments of pulse rates and temperature key factors should be considered which are he intensity of the beats, rate, rhythm and tenderness presence in the site of assessment. Patient is thus recommended to be examined in the room so that both pulses of the patient can be observed. Palpations can be conducted using the finger tips and grading done on the sale, (Ranganathan et al., 2015). Despite the patient vital signs showing the elevated pulse rates, continuous monitoring enables tracking down of the management for the patient for effective care. Care is involved in the assessment of the patient status of the measuring the pulsations, at times confusion arises when unable to distinguish own pulses and the patients pulses, thus there should be no use of the thumb as its usage increases the like hood of false readings. Bruits can be further assessed further using auscultation in the arteries. Usage of stethoscope and diaphragm is important in taking these measurements. In other cases the poor pulses readings is risk factor of impaired blood flow, which can be caused by congenital disorders, (Selvaraj et al., 2016). The decline of perfusion and oxygen supply in the tissue levels associated to anaemia can lead to decline in the temperature and pulses in the peripheral region and can pose danger during the palpations, (Wray, Amann Richardson, 2016). The clinical importance for taking pulses and temperature measurements for the patient is meant to detect for presence of diseases, in this case the patent is experiencing acute heart failure thus the reasons for the elevated readings of pulses and respirations arteries. Evaluation Thenursing interventions will assist the patient to reduce the overall work load exposed to the heart, it is expected that the hemodynamic stability of the patient would have normalized and reduction in the pulse rates of the patient. The pulse rate should have fall below the normal range and the temperature stabilized to. Often patients with heart failure disease, experience shortness of breath and pulsations, under medical managements the signs and symptoms would have normalise and keen observation on managing any symptoms that might proof dangerous to the patient. The overall achievement of the intervention is the reduction of cardiac output which releases heavy burden on the state of the patient, (Mark, 2013).Thus cardiac output is relevant in managing hypertension for chronic disease diagnosis so as to reduce the blood fluid over load in the blood vessels and hence reduce the elevated pressure in the body. Nursing issue is to manage oedema The theoretical result of the oedema is the disproportionate balance between the body ability to filter substance in the capillary and intestinal spaces, (Trayes et al., 2013). The function of the kidneys is the regulation of extracellular fluid though adjustments to the sodium and water level in the body. Causative factors for oedema include obstruction of the venous, increasing the capillary action. Major treatment regime involves restriction of sodium, diuretic use and the treatment of underlying disorder which is congestive disorder in this case, (Yancy et al., 2013). The patient in this case is exacerbation oedema of the feet signifying fluid retention due to fluid overload in the blood system. In congestive heart failure the decline in the functionality of the heart affects the normal ability of the kidney to perform its function thus occurrence of the oedema, (Verbrugge et al., 2014). Reduction of fluid levels in the body The goal of management of is to reduce and minimize fluid intake in the body. Reduction of the fluid intake by the patient is a collaborative intervention which must be initiating by thenursing care and the patient. The theory underlying fluid intake correlates with the kidneys ability to remove water in the body and to manage fluid balance. The patient fluid intake will be limited till the normal organ function is resolved. Anti diuretic use has been implemented to oedema in patients as observed in the case study, application of anti diuretic use for the patient is beneficial,(Mebazaa et al., 2016). Oedema thus occurs due to imbalance of the fluid controlling forces and the various interplay of hemodynamic in the patient, (Packer et al., 2013). For effective assessment of the patient and practice of effective treatment, management of oedema is important in reducing the diseases over load. Peripheral congestion of congestive heart failure develops over long duration of time and patients often exhibit excess accumulation of water in the body, (Campbell et al., 2014). The patient in the case study was admitted with oedema of the feet, which caused immobility thus signifying its prior development. Heart failure is associated with renal perfusion falls, which leads to production of aldosterone and elevated sodium levels thus initiating water retention in the legs, (Miles Griffiths, 2014). Risk associated with the oedema is complicate management and excess accumulation of water retain in the body which leads to worsening of the patient condition. Controlling anxiety and depression Excitement and anxiety is often seen in patients with heart failure. It is a serious condition characterised by feeling of fatigued and worn out, (Hwang, Moser, Dracup, 2014). It is further worsened by breathlessness which the body anxious and vulnerable. Observed symptoms may include prevention of normal actives for the patient like talking and even being jovial. It can be observed with the patient, in that the fear of dying and pain causes depression, (Hare, Toukhsati, Johansson, Jaarsma, 2013). Advising the patient to have a positive attitude for better management of conditions is essential for improving the patient condition status. Concerning the age of the patient will be key in managing the psychological status of the patient and enabling recovery. The disadvantage of depression is that it reduces the quality of life, (Huffman et al., 2014) when depression persists for so long then treatment can be sought as it could signal other underlying condition in the body, (Carney Freedland, 2016). Risks associated with depression are that it can lead to high blood pressure, increased platelet activity and increases probability of heart attacks. In heart failure, it can be fatal to cause mortality. Hence nursing intervention for the patient should be geared eliminating stress related mood despite the age state. This intervention id beneficial to the patient as he is at risks as stress and depression at this age states could be fatal. Evaluation of the care plan With the patient current state, experiencing oedema of the foot, their is need for effective fluid balance for the patients. Fluid intake should be managed effectively and monitored closely. The auscultation the lung is aimed at ensuring the lung pathway is clear. For the patient daily monitoring of the weight will be a key indicator for the reduction and retention of fluid in the body. Measuring of daily output of fluid by the patient will be used as a measure in evaluation the effectiveness of the intervention adoption low salt diets will be definitive measure. Patient relaxed state is key to managing effectively the depression and anxiety state of the patient. Maintenance of fluid balance will be key evaluator outcome and the patient become less anxious of his state as suggested by Yancy et al.,(2013) in guidelines for management of heart failure. He fluid management if carefully managed is able to prevent further complication such as acute kidney failure, (Prowle et al., 2014). Conclusion The patient under review is experiencing acute chronic failure with exonerating symptoms like shortness of breath and hypothermal and increased respiratory rates which must be managed medically. This management hence is dependent on several key factors such as symptoms measure, illness presences, medical history and other factors which have been highlighted. In care management, the key issue is to manage the associated factors; in this case we identified two nursing issues for reviews which include decrease the cardiac output manage oedema. 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